Aerial Swarm Tools and Applications
Half-Day Tutorial and Workshop at RSS 2024
This workshop will focus on the management of aerial robotic swarms. The workshop will contain tutorials for the major aerial swarm tools, namely Skybrush, CrazyChoir, Aerostack2, and Crazyswarm2 (the latter three are based on ROS 2). These are meant to help researchers who are looking for aerial swarm validation in simulation and/or with physical robots to understand the capabilities and the first steps with these tools. At the same time, more experienced users or swarm tool developers will gain insights about tools. Moreover, there will be real-world applications for aerial swarms, with invited talks from both academia and industry. These talks will give insight on the challenges of aerial swarm management in the real world.
Important Information:
- Workshop day: July 19th, 2024 (14:00 - 18:00)
- Workshop location: TU Delft Mechanical Engineering (ME) Building, Lecture Hall F - Simon Stevin (and Zoom).
- 13:50 - Introduction workshop
[ ] - 14:00 - "Trustworthy swarms for large-scale environmental monitoring" (by Sabine Hauert, remote)
[ ] - 14:30 - Skybrush Tutorial (by Gábor Vásárhelyi)
[ ] - 15:00 - Aerostack2 Tutorial (by Miguel Fernandez Cortizas and Rafael Perez Segui)
[ demo: ] - 15:30 - Coffee break
- 16:00 - Crazyswarm2 Tutorial (by Kimberly McGuire and Wolfgang Hönig)
[ demo: ] - 16:30 - Crazychoir Tutorial (by Lorenzo Pichierri and Andrea Testa)
[ demo: ] - 17:00 - "Safe Decision-Making for Aerial Swarms - From Reliable Localization to Efficient Coordination" (by SiQi Zhou on behalf of Angela Schoellig)
[ ] - 17:30 - "Onboard relative localization for agile aerial swarming in the wild" (by Martin Saska)
[ ] - 18:00 - Outro workshop
[ ]
Invited Speakers

SiQi Zhou (on behalf of Angela Schoellig)
Technical University Munich
Talk: "Safe Decision-Making for Aerial Swarms - From Reliable Localization to Efficient Coordination"

Martin Saska
Czech Technical University in Prague
Talk: "Onboard relative localization for agile aerial swarming in the wild"

Sabine Hauert (remote)
University of Bristol
Talk: "Trustworthy swarms for largescale environmental monitoring"

Gábor Vásárhelyi
CollMot Robotics Ltd. & Department of Biological Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest
Tutorial: "Skybrush - an open-core ecosystem for drone shows and large-scale aerial swarming missions"
Organizing Committee

Kimberly McGuire
Crazyswarm2 / Bitcraze A.B.

Wolfgang Hönig
Crazyswarm2 / TU Berlin

Miguel Fernandez Cortizas
Aerostack2 / Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)

Lorenzo Pichierri
CrazyChoir / University of Bologna

Andrea Testa
CrazyChoir / University of Bologna

Giuseppe Notarstefano
CrazyChoir / University of Bologna

Rafael Perez Segui
Aerostack2 / Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)