Crazyswarm2: A ROS 2 testbed for Aerial Robot Teams

Crazyswarm2 is a work-in-progress port of the original Crazyswarm to ROS 2. It is fully open-source and available on github.

Crazyswarm2 is primarily made for researchers that want to operate or simulate a team of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that uses the Bitcraze Crazyflie 2.x or Bitcraze Crazyflie Bolt-based UAVs.


Crazyswarm2 is already usable for basic tasks (teleoperation, flying in a motion capture space, data collection), however the API and configuration file formats might still change. While many features of Crazyswarm1 are ported, there are currently still some important limitations:

  • Tested only for small team sizes (less than 10 robots)

  • Limited Python API and only a few example scripts
